Arturo Fuente cigars are consistently rated among the best cigars in the world. Our reputation for unsurpassed quality, with both flavor and construction, has amassed a loyal following among cigar connoisseurs. ArturoFuente.com |
As J.C. Newman Cigar Company continues in the 21st century, the Newman family is committed to upholding the family tradition of quality and innovation and hand-crafting some of the world’s finest cigars. JCNewman.com |
Enjoy The Ultimate Cigar Experience at Corona Cigar Company’s world-class Cigar Store & Cigar Bar. This year's Friday and Saturday night Pre-Party events at the Tampa location will surely please our YCCF guests! Considered to be one of Tampa's premier cigar lounges and best damn whiskey bars in Tampa, hands down! Stay tuned for this spectacular two-day event leading into Sunday's Ybor City Cigar Festival! www.coronacigar.com
Tobacco Depot was founded in 1995 as a family business seeking to provide the greater Tampa area with the best selection of premium cigars and tobacco products. Made up of 15 stores spanning the west coast of Florida, Tobacco Depot has grown to become one of the nation’s most complete chains of full-line tobacconists. They strive to provide customers an excellent shopping experience and a comfortable atmosphere to enjoy their premium cigars and tobacco products. Many of their locations have lounges for premium cigar-smoking enjoyment and offer various events and promotions. Stop in today to browse our excellent selection of products. Our knowledgeable staff is always willing to assist you in whatever you seek. TobaccoDepot.com
Smoker Friendly® is America's largest cigarette and tobacco store (CTS) retailer. Their first retail location was opened in 1988, making Smoker Friendly one of the leading pioneers of the trade class. Their brand has international recognition and includes more than 800 stores nationwide. Their brick-and-mortar locations are primarily Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, and Florida. They are actively expanding our reach and are enthusiastic to introduce you to the latest additions to the Smoker Friendly family. SmokerFriendly.com
The seed for West Tampa Tobacco Company was planted in 1953, when Rick Rodriguez’s grandparents, both highly respected master cigar rollers, heeded the call of the U.S. They left behind the glamour of Havana for U.S. shores, seeking to capitalize on the booming cigar business of West Tampa, Florida. Always striving for more, Rick has taken a bold step to establish West Tampa Tobacco Company, to simply offer the finest handcrafted cigars, created with hard work, gratitude and a profound respect for tradition. WestTampaTobacco.com
Gurkha has several brands that cater to every premium cigar smoker, including the very elite. For many Gurkha cigars are seen as a status symbol and are synonymous with sumptuousness and exclusivity. However, a beautifully handcrafted and aromatic cigar can be enjoyed by anyone and embodies the pleasure and enjoyment of all good things found in life. For centuries, cigars have been associated with enjoyment and a celebratory lifestyle: smoking a cigar is nothing short of a memorable experience. GurkhaCigars.com
WestSide Barbershop caters to gentlemen looking for that upscale shave and haircut. Their premium services provide men of all ages with a flawless look. They offer our clients a wide range of services, from straight razor shaving to hair styling and grooming. Our retro-style shop allows men to have their hair treated by professionals who know men's hair. WestSideBarbershop.com
You'll learn about bolita, the rumored tunnels of Ybor, and the Era of Blood. Tampa historians will guide you to old gambling palaces, street corners, and alleys, where some mobsters met their demise, and restaurants where wise guys, like famed boss Santo Trafficante Jr., held court. TampaMafia.com
Hello CI Nation Florida! Welcome to Cigars International Superstore Tampa. Located in Tampa, FL, our 6,000+ square foot cigar shop, bar, and lounge features over 1,300 cigar brands to select from, a full-service bar to wet your whistle, spacious indoor and outdoor lounges to hide from the family, flat-screen TVs to stare blankly at, a state-of-the-art ventilation system (to keep ya fresh as can be), and so much more. Throw in stampede-worthy deals and non-stop events with the biggest brands, names, and stars in the cigar industry, and you have the ultimate cigar destination. CigarsInternational.com
For the seasoned cigar aficionado on the hunt for an unforgettable smoke or the newcomer with a developing palate, JR Cigar is your place for an extraordinary smoking experience. Our dedicated staff of cigar experts has gathered a gigantic, unrivaled inventory of fine cigars, accessorieslike humidors and lighters, as well as domestic/imported pipe tobacco to accommodate your distinct tastes. .JRCigars.com/
Casa de Montecristo is a premier, modern cigar store featuring a large selection of premium cigars as well as premium smoking cigar accessories. Casa is dedicated to adults who enthusiastically enjoy fine premium cigars and a desire to share that passion with others. It is a "feel-at-home place" to gather with friends and fellow cigar enthusiasts, with an
educated staff that aids the experience. Today, there are 23 Casas across the USA, including company-owned stores and licensed-based partnerships with some of the top established premium cigar retailers in the country. CasaDeMontecristo.com
educated staff that aids the experience. Today, there are 23 Casas across the USA, including company-owned stores and licensed-based partnerships with some of the top established premium cigar retailers in the country. CasaDeMontecristo.com
For 87 years, the Oliva family has had the honor of supplying the world’s premier cigar producers with fine-leaf tobacco. Four generations have devoted their lives to learning the secrets of planting, cultivating, harvesting, curing, and grading tobacco and earning the trust and confidence of our valued customers. Today, we continue the tradition on our South and Central American farms, including our contract farms. OlivaTobacco.com
For over 70 years, Vincent & Tampa Cigar Company has been providing its customers with the finest quality cigars. This historic lounge sits in the heart of Old West Tampa and includes some of the best cigar brands in the world! VincentTampaCigars.com
Premier Cigar Lounge on Clearwater Beach includes an extensive Cigar line, a Premier Spirit and Wine Selection, a Large Patio, and Great Vibes. Right across the street from beautiful Clearwater Beach! www.facebook.com/fusioncigars
Cigar City Magazine is the only publication on Tampa's rich past. They came from faraway lands to a city they knew little about. Cubans, Spaniards, Italians, Jews, and others. With little money in their pockets and big dreams in their hearts, they set out to make a life for themselves in the Tampa Bay area. They ended up creating a history and culture that continues to thrive. Cigar City invites you to rediscover that culture, remember those people, and relive the events that continue to influence life in Tampa today. CigarCityMagazine.com
Desiree Marsicano is a passionate, caring, and experienced Traveler with a deep love for her community and family and for helping others explore the world. Her journey from serving her local community to pursuing her dream as a travel agent is a testament to her determination and desire to impact people's lives positively through travel. DeztinationTravels.com
At Cigars Direct, they love what they do, and it’s that love that drives them to constantly look for exceptional products to make your cigar smoking experience the best it can be–relaxing, enjoyable, and memorable. That’s how they can offer all the best in premium cigars and unique items others can’t seem to get their hands on, like OpusX, Ashton VSG, Anejo, and Padron. Cigars Direct wants you to feel comfortable and confident when you order with them, and they'll do their best to ensure you’re 100% satisfied every time you order so you’ll come back. CigarsDirect.com
Full of power and character, Hiram & Solomon's carefully handcrafted cigars evoke the very spirit of Brotherhood, allowing reflection on and insightful examination of the ideas and traditions they hold dear. Their well-aged and elegantly crafted cigars create a rich tapestry of flavor and identity to be enjoyed best in the company of others. Hiram & Solomon Cigars are premium, quality handmade cigars that match the caliber of the Brethren and the spirit they embody for all to enjoy for men and women who take their commitments to tradition and good taste seriously. hiramandsolomoncigars.com
Lit Cigar & Martini Lounge rapidly became the preferred meeting place for Tampa's elite–professionals, athletes, and celebrities alike. Yet, amid the glamour and the spotlight, our commitment to the Tampa community remained unwavering. Their firmly believe in giving back to the city that nurtured them, leading to the establishment of thier non-profit arm, LIT GIVES BACK INC. Over the past two years, they have spearheaded and participated in 26 community giveback initiatives, making a tangible difference in Tampa city's fabric. They are committed to continuing their legacy of excellence, providing a world-class experience to their elite clientele, and steadfastly supporting the city of Tampa. The Lit Cigar & Martini Lounge is more than just a venue; it's a testament to perseverance, community spirit, and the power of enduring faith. littampa.com
Boveda revolutionized how cigar aficionados store and enjoy their cigars. Before Boveda, there were only messy, labor-intensive processes for humidifying cigar storage. Now there is a no-mess, no-worries way to protect your cigars from harsh dryness and mold with Boveda 2-way humidity control. bovedainc.com/tobacco/
La Faraona Cigars offers cigars of many sizes and shapes using Nicaraguan and Honduran tobacco as filler and Connecticut wrappers. La Faraona Cigars was created in 1987 in Havana, Cuba, within the manufacturing tobacco company of Jose Manuel Guira. Odelma, daughter of Tobacconist "Tabaqueros," processors of tobacco and smoking supplies, provided 50 years of experience in farming and manufacturing tobacco; her parents established and set very high traditional values and standards for a 16-year-old girl. So began her passion for working with tobacco and cigar rollers. As "Torcedores," the master rollers trained her as a "Torcedora," a female roller. Her desire in opening La Faraona Cigars is to continue introducing people to authentic traditional Cuban cigars. LaFaraonaCigars.com
Tampero Cigars is a small family business with over 20 years of experience in The World of Cigars. They have the finest quality, flavors, prices, and variety of the BEST cigars, distinguishing them from other cigar shops in the historic district of Ybor City in Tampa, FL. You will find a vast selection of cigars from the four corners of the globe. The owners and their friendly, experienced staff will help you find that ideal Cigar. Tampero.com
La Galera 1936's blender and owner, Jose Arnaldo Blanco, also known as 'Jochy,' is among the most important tobacco industry members. His passion, dedication, and life-long experience in the cigar world brought him recognition and respect. Moreover, these premium and aged cigars from the Cibao Valley receive the utmost praise from smokers worldwide. This brand believes its stories are an art form and works hard to make them true. You can undoubtedly taste love and decades of hard work in every puff. Try all of La Galera's hecho a mano cigars, and see why this brand has been around for nearly a century. LaGaleraCigars.com
Arturo Fuente cigars are consistently rated among the best cigars in the world. Our reputation for unsurpassed quality, with flavor and construction, has amassed a loyal following among cigar connoisseurs. ArturoFuente.com
As J.C. Newman Cigar Company continues in the 21st century, the Newman family is committed to upholding the family tradition of quality and innovation and hand-crafting some of the world’s finest cigars. JCNewman.com
Puros Birriel's story began 12 years ago with his wife Angelica. Their families united and created their own brand. It’s always been their dream to start their own cigar line, and after thousands of cigars smoked, they decided to make their dream a reality! They carry 12 cigars and 20 petite cigar flavors. PurosBirriel.com
Cigar Snob Magazine is a bi-monthly publication with a fresh approach to cigars with stunning photography, editorials, and honest, easy to read cigar ratings. CigarSnobMag.com